Coast Sliding Roofs About

P:0800 262-788     

International: +64 27471-9046        

About Us


"It’s a hard job finding the perfect retractable roof" was a complaint from many customers.

So Coast set about designing a retractable roof system as close to ‘perfect’ as possible. Over two years we talked to farmers about what a ‘perfect’ sliding roof would have. It quickly became apparent that farmers wanted a quality retractable roof that was easily operated, and didn’t take up much space. Coast then added on a fourth requirement, it had to be cost effective. Out of this was born Coast Sliding Roofs.

At Coast we are passionate about the product and stand behind everything that we do. We believe we have designed and built a sliding roof system that we think is fairly close to the ‘perfect one’. We believe you will find our sliding roofs give you years of trouble free service, and are built strong to withstand tough operating environments.

Above all we are proud to say our retractable roofs are Kiwi made. 

027 471 9046 |