Coast Sliding Roofs PKE and Fertiliser Bunker Roof Custom Designs

P:0800 262-788     

International: +64 27471-9046        

Custom roof designs for PKE bins, Fertiliser bunkers and Bulk Storage bins

Quality, Innovate Retractable Roof Solutions

Coast's innovative retractable sliding roofs modular design makes it easy to customise for different bin types and sizes:

Custom Roofs

Coast offer fully customised options to suit most bin types, from panel bins, post and rail bins, masonry block bins through to mass concrete block bins. All our sliding roofs are constructed to the same high standard incorporating a modular design with the heavy duty galvanised steel frame.

The only requirements are that the bins are no wider then 6000mm and under 12 metres in length for canvas covered roofs.

Custom roofs for Bunkers over 12 meters can be supplied with Steel Cladding.

Contact Coast Sliding Roofs with your bunker dimensions and we will be happy to discuss custom roof options with you..


There are a number of sizes and configurations of pre-cast panel bunkers. Coast Sliding Roofs and easily be modified to suit any pre-cast or tilt panel concrete bunkers.

Contact Coast Sliding Roofs to discuss your requirements and we will be happy to work with you to develop a retractable roofing solution for your needs.

Coast Roofs for Post & Rail Bins

There are a large variety of sizes when it comes to post and rail bins.

The options for these bins is to install a mounting platform to accommodate a standard Mass block roof dimensions or design a custom sliding roof specific for your bin dimensions.

Depending on the age and integrity of the structure, mounting of the sliding roof is done either across the top of the bin or off the side.

Contact Coast Sliding Roofs to discuss your requirements and we will be happy to work with you to develop a retractable roofing solution for your needs.

Coast Roofs for Masonry Block bins

Coast has found there are a large variety of sizes when it comes to Masonry block bins. Depending on the bin size, there are a number of options for installing opening roof systems on these bins.

  1. Install a mounting platform on the outside of the walls.
  2. Mounting brackets can be purchased from Coast which bolt onto the walls.

If a standard roof design cannot be used Coast Sliding Roofs™ can design a custom sliding roof specific for your bin dimensions.

Contact Coast Sliding Roofs to discuss your requirements and we will be happy to work with you to develop a solution for your needs.


Contact Coast Sliding Roofs to discuss your requirements and we will be happy to work with you to develop a solution for your needs.


027 471 9046 |