Coast Sliding Roofs PKE & Fertiliser Bunker Standard Roof Designs

P:0800 262-788     

International: +64 27471-9046        

Standard retracting roof designs for PKE bins, Fert and Bulk storage bunkers

Coast offers a range of standard design sliding roofs for Palm Kernel (PKE) & Fertiliser Panel Bins and Mass Block Bins.

Standard Panel Bin Roofs


Coast currently offers two standard roof designs to suit precast Panel Bins for PKE or Fertiliser:


5000mm wide x 7100mm overall roof cover

  • Two section, Telescopic roof
  • Steel frame construction, canvas cover
  • Retractable roof system available in kitset or installed
  • Roof Apex 800mm
  • Rail overhang at back wall 1640mm (depending on type of wall mounted on)
  • Custom 7500mm overall roof cover length available on request


5000mm wide x 10100mm overall roof cover

  • Three section, Telescopic roof
  • Steel frame construction, canvas cover
  • Retractable roof system available in kitset or installed
  • Roof Apex 800mm
  • Rail overhang at the back wall -1240mm–1640mm (depending on the type of wall the roof is mounted on)

 Contact Coast Sliding Roofs to discuss your requirements.


There are a number of other sizes and configurations of pre-cast panel bunkers. Coast Sliding Roofs and easily be modified to suit other pre-cast or tilt panel concrete bunkers.

Contact Coast Sliding Roofs to discuss your requirements and we will be happy to work with you to develop a retractable roofing solution for your needs.

Standard Mass-Block Roofs


Coast currently has two standard roof design options for three Interbloc PKE or Fertiliser

bin configurations:


4200mm wide x 7100mm overall roof cover

  • Two section, Telescopic roof
  • Steel frame construction, canvas cover
  • Retractable roof system available in kitset or installed
  • Roof Apex 800mm
  • Rail over hang back of wall 1240mm
  • Custom overall roof cover length available on request


4200mm wide x 10200mm overall roof cover

  • Three section, Telescopic roof
  • Steel frame construction, canvas cover
  • Retractable roof system available in kitset or installed
  • Roof Apex 800mm
  • Rail over hang back of wall 1240mm


4200mm wide X 7100mm or 10200mm long Double Bay Roof



Contact Coast Sliding Roofs to discuss your requirements.


Coast Roofs for Post & Rail PKE or FERT Bins

Coast has established that there is a large variety of sizes when it comes to post and rail bins used for the storage of PKE and Fertiliser.

The options for these bins is to install a mounting platform to accommodate one of the standard roof dimensions for Precast Panel or mass block bins, or design a custom sliding roof specific for your bin dimensions.

Depending on the age and integrity of the structure, mounting of the sliding roof is done either across the top of the bin or off the side.

Contact Coast Sliding Roofs to discuss your requirements and we will be happy to work with you to develop a retractable roofing solution for your needs.


Coast Roofs for Masonry Block bins

Coast has found there to be a variety of sizes when it comes to Masonry block bins. Depending on the bin size, there are a number of options for installing a roof system on these bins.

  1. Install a mounting platform on the outside of the walls.
  2. Mounting brackets can be purchased from Coast which bolt onto the walls.

If a standard roof design cannot be used Coast Sliding Roofs™ can design a custom sliding roof specific for your bin dimensions.

Contact Coast Sliding Roofs to discuss your requirements and we will be happy to work with you to develop a solution for your needs.


027 471 9046 |